Great question!
No matter what earthly sport team we are on, we can all be members of God's team.
We support each other to always "Shoot for the Son!," Jesus Christ the Lord.
So all are welcome, and that means, "You’re invited!"
Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Click HERE for the QR codes.
Great question!
The whole family, team One Heart Archery,
would like you to know that God loves you, He created you good, that Jesus Christ wishes to give you true freedom, life, and peace, and finally that we are here to all walk together on this pilgrimage to our heavenly homeland. After all, we are not meant to be alone. So we live Acts 4:32.
Thank you for asking!
We have fun with archery, share the practical things that we know, and together use archery to grow in our relationship with God. Finally, we don’t keep it to ourselves but share the Good News!
We are inspired by the first disciples of the Lord, “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common." Acts 4:32 NABRE Thus, our motto is "Shoot for the Son!"
What do you think?
Thank you for asking!
The short answer is, "Everything."
The Spiritual life is when we live according the Spirit of God at all times rather than being led about by the flesh, as a rudderless ship on the sea.
All things that are not inherently evil are here for us to use in practical ways such as with archery for food and defense and are ultimately meant for us to build up the Kingdom of God. So we can use them for holy recreation, to glorify God, deepen our relationship with the Lord, and to teach others about Him.
Pretty amazing, right?
What do think?
It does not matter what earthly sport team we are on; we can all be members of God's team. We support each other to always "Shoot for the Son!," Jesus Christ the Lord.
Check out Acts 4:32 in Sacred Scripture.